В итоге помогло вот что
http://www.dipconsultants.com/debian/ (в том числе и встало на iceweasel):
Unofficial nspluginwrapper & ia32-libs-gtk packages for Etch
First things first, as root:
* Add repository to sources.list:
o echo "deb
http://www.dipconsultants.com/debian etch main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
* apt-get update
* Install the keyring so you're not bothered with key/verification warnings:
o apt-get install markybob-keyring
* apt-get update once more
* Install what you want:
o apt-get install ia32-libs-gtk nspluginwrapper
If you're looking to install Flash in a 64-bit browser:
* Do *every* step listed above, then the following as a *user*, not root:
* wget
http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz * tar -zxf install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz
* mv install_flash_player_9_linux/flashplayer.xpt install_flash_player_9_linux/libflashplayer.so ~/.mozilla/plugins/
* nspluginwrapper -i ~/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so
* Start/restart iceweasel/firefox/whatever
* Enjoy, Etch 64-bit users, from the guys at dipconsultants.com