Mandriva is proud to announce the release of Mandriva Linux 2009 Beta 1 'thornicrofti'. This beta includes the newest release of KDE 4, KDE 4.1 final (with initial implementation of the Mandriva Ia Ora theme, although this is not yet complete), and GNOME 2.23.5. It also uses Firefox 3 by default, and kernel 2.6.26 final. The new beta also switches to using splashy (rather than bootsplash) for boot and shutdown graphics, and adds synchronization support for Windows Mobile 2003 devices. As always, we remind you not to use pre-releases in any critical situation; install them only on a test system or partition, or in a virtual machine. Additionally, we strongly discourage using this pre-release to upgrade from any earlier release of Mandriva Linux, as the transition process from KDE 3 to KDE 4 is not yet fully implemented and you are likely to end up with an unusable system. Please make sure to read the Errata and Release Notes, and file any bugs not covered in those pages on Bugzilla.
Короткий перевод: Mandriva Linux 2009 Beta 1 включает в себя КДЕ 4, Гном 2.23.5, Firefox 3 и ядро 2.6.26 final и чё-то там с синхронизацией мобильных девайсов с WM 03 (до сих пор с этим
бААльшие проблемы были - это моё). Постараюсь сегодня скачать-выложить, м.б. потестить, ибо в отпуск завтра ухожу - буду практически оторван от цивилизации (от И-нета).
Прошлая бета 2008.1 была очень хороша - лучше релиза (ИМХО).